Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Top 5 sustainable trends in the construction industry 2024

 The construction industry and environment have a huge impact on our planet’s resources and climate. As stakeholders prioritize sustainability, contractors are evolving their services to deliver greener outcomes. Here are the five trends gaining traction that contracting companies in Dubai should be aware of.

  1. Mass timber construction 

Innovations like cross-laminated timber open possibilities for tall timber buildings, providing an environmentally preferable alternative to concrete. As its carbon credentials and potential for prefabrication gain recognition, mass timber could help development keep pace with population growth in more sustainable ways. Advanced structural timber products are drawing interest from innovators in the region.

  1. Refurbishment over new build

Extending building lifespans by retrofitting and reusing existing structures can slash embodied carbon versus demolition and redevelopment from scratch. With land and materials at a premium, contracting companies are exploring enhancement solutions to breathe new life into properties. Adaptive reuse preserves the character while upgrading performance.

  1. On-Site renewables

Rising energy costs drive interest in rooftop solar, wind turbines, geo-exchange heating/cooling, and other renewable options. As Dubai works to diversify its energy mix, proactive building-integrated power generation can edge projects closer to net-zero operation. Such installations may even generate revenue if tied to the grid via power purchase agreements.

  1. Circular material economies

Sustainable procurement, design for disassembly, and material passports - all contribute to transitioning away from wasteful linear take-make-dispose models. Dubai contracting companies have been investigating closed-loop systems to optimize durability, reuse, remanufacturing, and material recovery at end-of-life. Synergies with local recycling facilities stand to benefit projects and communities.

  1. Wellness and biophilia

Research confirms direct links between access to nature and human health/productivity. Connecting inhabitants to natural elements like water, plants, and daylight supports well-being which boosts liveability and asset value. Contractors are exploring biophilic designs utilizing native species and connecting indoor and outdoor environments.

Sustainability demands coordination from policymakers to practitioners. By partnering for green initiatives, contracting companies in Dubai can help shape a more resource-efficient built environment serving current and future generations. Progress relies on collaborative innovation across the sector.

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