Friday, July 1, 2022

Different Types of Refrigeration Compressors

Compressors are essential in the vapor compression refrigeration cycle because they pressurize vaporized refrigerant from low pressure and temperature to high pressure and temperature before it passes through a condenser. While all compressors perform the same basic job in an industrial refrigerator system, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own technique of creating pressure.

Compressors are being created in greater numbers and with better technology as the demand for refrigeration grows. The fundamentals, however, remain unchanged. It might be difficult to choose the right refrigeration compressor for your application because there are so many different models. Capital cost, operating efficiency, field serviceability, spare availability, and maintenance are some of the elements to consider while choosing the ideal unit. The numerous types of compressors as well as their key advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the following sections.


Centrifugal compressors also known as turbo or radial compressors, work by pumping refrigerant via a rotating impeller.

Centrifugal compressors have the highest capacity and are best for compressing large amounts of refrigerant. Additionally, depending on the application, centrifugal compressors can be set up in single, two-stage or multi-stage configurations to further compress the refrigerant to a greater pressure and temperature.


Rotary vane compressors have an eccentrically positioned rotating drive shaft within a cylindrical enclosure with fixed inlet and discharge ports.

Rotary vane compressors are ideal for low-capacity applications such as domestic freezers or residential air conditioning units because of their small size and efficient operation. Rotating compressors, on the other hand, are frequently utilized in the food and beverage industry for product handling applications.


Rotary screw compressors do not use mechanical force and do not have any valves, allowing them to run at high speeds with enormous flow rates and a small footprint while also decreasing vibration.


Rotary scroll compressors have a limited capacity of fewer than 20 tons, but they are extremely efficient due to the lack of pistons, allowing them to achieve 100% volumetric efficiency. Scroll compressors also produce less noise and require less maintenance since they have fewer moving parts.


Reciprocating compressors are very scalable, allowing them to be constructed for modest capacities or large capacities in the hundreds of tons range. The main disadvantages of reciprocating compressors are their high noise level, excessive vibration, and inefficiency.

Looking through all the general trading companies in Dubai for the best compressors? Contact today, Bin Dasmal General Trading, a part of Bin Dasmal Group known as the best refrigerator products supplier in the UAE.

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