Thursday, October 3, 2024

How can agriculture help mitigate climate change?

 As the threats of climate change have become increasingly evident, it’s clear that mitigation efforts must span all sectors of the economy and society. Agriculture is uniquely positioned not only to reduce its own emissions but also to sequester carbon from the atmosphere through various regenerative practices. Several companies are more aware these days and are investing in initiatives for organic agriculture in the UAE. Let’s explore some of the keyways sustainable agriculture can help address the climate crisis.

Soil carbon storage

Healthy soil contains vast stores of carbon, but traditional tilling loses this organic matter over time. No-till and low-till methods employed by organic agriculture leave crop residues and roots in place to feed soil microbes. This builds soil carbon levels, capturing atmospheric CO2. Another approach is planting cover crops during fallow periods to add carbon back to fields.

Methane reduction

Rice paddies and livestock agriculture produce significant methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Adjusting water levels in rice and improving manure management, such as through biogas capture systems, can cut these emissions. Alternative feeds for cows that modify rumen function also show promise in methane mitigation.

Improved grazing practices

Rotational or mob grazing, which moves cattle frequently between paddocks, builds soil carbon better than stationary feedlots. It also prevents overgrazing while encouraging a diversity of grass and plants with deeper root systems to sequester carbon underground. Regenerative ranching can even convert degraded land into net carbon sinks.  

More trees on farms

Agroforestry interplants crop with trees to take advantage of their symbiotic relationship. Besides capturing carbon in biomass, tree root exudates feed microbes that store carbon in the subsoil. Alley cropping, silvopasture, and riparian buffer planting create carbon-fixing habitats while maintaining agricultural production. Perennial crops also store more carbon below ground than annually.

Reduced food waste

An estimated 30% of global food production never reaches human stomachs due to spoilage or overbuying. This wasted food represents unnecessary emissions from farming inputs and transportation. Improving harvest efficiencies, storage technologies, and conscious consumer choices around portion sizes and sell-by dates could significantly curb agriculture's carbon footprint.

Sustainability-focused practices, involving organic agriculture in Dubai adopted by farmers, hold great potential for drawing down atmospheric CO2. Mitigation strategies must span emissions reductions and carbon sequestration if we hope to make meaningful progress on climate change through the land use sector.

The Ekthaar sustainable farming solutions, as part of Bin Dasmal Group in UAE, offer fresh produce by using only a small percentage of soil and water. By reusing construction waste materials, the company is also able to save 25–30% of the total construction cost, making it a financially viable solution to the region's food security problems.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Top 5 sustainable trends in the construction industry 2024

 The construction industry and environment have a huge impact on our planet’s resources and climate. As stakeholders prioritize sustainability, contractors are evolving their services to deliver greener outcomes. Here are the five trends gaining traction that contracting companies in Dubai should be aware of.

  1. Mass timber construction 

Innovations like cross-laminated timber open possibilities for tall timber buildings, providing an environmentally preferable alternative to concrete. As its carbon credentials and potential for prefabrication gain recognition, mass timber could help development keep pace with population growth in more sustainable ways. Advanced structural timber products are drawing interest from innovators in the region.

  1. Refurbishment over new build

Extending building lifespans by retrofitting and reusing existing structures can slash embodied carbon versus demolition and redevelopment from scratch. With land and materials at a premium, contracting companies are exploring enhancement solutions to breathe new life into properties. Adaptive reuse preserves the character while upgrading performance.

  1. On-Site renewables

Rising energy costs drive interest in rooftop solar, wind turbines, geo-exchange heating/cooling, and other renewable options. As Dubai works to diversify its energy mix, proactive building-integrated power generation can edge projects closer to net-zero operation. Such installations may even generate revenue if tied to the grid via power purchase agreements.

  1. Circular material economies

Sustainable procurement, design for disassembly, and material passports - all contribute to transitioning away from wasteful linear take-make-dispose models. Dubai contracting companies have been investigating closed-loop systems to optimize durability, reuse, remanufacturing, and material recovery at end-of-life. Synergies with local recycling facilities stand to benefit projects and communities.

  1. Wellness and biophilia

Research confirms direct links between access to nature and human health/productivity. Connecting inhabitants to natural elements like water, plants, and daylight supports well-being which boosts liveability and asset value. Contractors are exploring biophilic designs utilizing native species and connecting indoor and outdoor environments.

Sustainability demands coordination from policymakers to practitioners. By partnering for green initiatives, contracting companies in Dubai can help shape a more resource-efficient built environment serving current and future generations. Progress relies on collaborative innovation across the sector.

Monday, August 5, 2024

5 ways to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture

 Farming needs to become more environmentally friendly now more than ever. Traditional methods put a huge strain on nature and use up resources too quickly. Switching to sustainable agriculture in the UAE is important for farms to do well in the long-term and keep the earth healthy. Here are some effective ways to speed up the change:

  1. Encourage sustainable farming in the UAE

Countries like the UAE are helping local farmers grow food sustainably through programs. These programs support farmers in lowering the costs and risks of trying green techniques. This inspires more farmers to protect nature while farming in the UAE, making the change bigger. 

  1. Use natural solutions that rebuild soil quality

Farming in a way that renews ecosystems is a good goal. It focuses on biodiversity, soil health, and capturing carbon. Farmers can try agroforestry - mixing trees with crops. They may also let some plants cover and protect bare soil between crops. Rotating what’s grown in a field and mixing crops also helps. Doing these rebuilding techniques may lift harvests and reduce emissions while improving soil for farmers.

Agricultural universities and farms can offer formal and hands-on sustainable farming courses. This helps develop more capable experts who are equipped to implement sustainable practices on a commercial level and lead the industry transition.

  1. Incentivize consumers to choose sustainably grown foods

Farmers are encouraged to invest in sustainable practices by increasing customer demand and awareness for products farmed sustainably. Campaigns to raise public understanding emphasize how decisions about lifestyle, such as choosing organic food, contribute to sustainable agriculture. Government incentives and certification labels help consumers identify sustainable options. This encourages the market for sustainably farmed foods which accelerates their availability and commercial sustainable farming.

  1. Channel investments toward sustainable solutions

Redirecting funds away from conventional agriculture towards implementing sustainable farming methods is another driver of change. Impact investors are increasingly interested in sponsoring research, pilot projects, and producers adopting practices like greenhouse gas reduction, water conservation, renewable energy use, and soil regeneration. Such support helps test, refine, and scale up viable sustainable solutions faster.

  1. Standardize sustainability certifications and metrics

The lack of global standards muddles communication around sustainability practices and impact. Agreement on standard metrics to measure sustainability goals like comparing the carbon footprint of various foods provides a common framework. Harmonizing certification schemes that are transparently audited boosts consumer and industry trust in labels. This fosters wider credible adoption of certifications that demonstrate continuous improvements in sustainable agriculture.

Leveraging these policy supports and market forces can help transition existing conventional systems towards more sustainable agriculture in the UAE and sustainable farming practices worldwide at an accelerated pace for ecological resilience and food security over the long run. A collaborative effort is essential between governments, investors, producers, and consumers to drive this change effectively.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Why crane inspection is important?

 Cranes are indispensable lifting machines for many construction, industrial, and manufacturing tasks. However, as heavy-duty equipment handling sizable loads, regular crane inspection services are a safety necessity. Undetected wear and defects could cause catastrophic failures that endanger lives and assets. Here are key reasons why planned crane inspection is so important.

Ensures regulatory compliance

All lifting machinery must undergo periodic technical inspection according to governing safety codes. Non-compliance attracts hefty penalties. Inspection confirms compliance and issues inspection certificates required for continued legal operation. For mobile cranes, roadworthiness also requires attention. Mobile crane operators rely on valid certificates to transport equipment between job sites.

Prevents dangerous accidents

Over time, crane components face mechanical and corrosion stresses that may weaken performance without outward signs. Uninspected cranes risk having micro-fractures or component degradation triggering accidents. Regular third-party testing through lifting equipment inspection helps uncover issues well in advance, preventing potential failures and accidents during use. 

Detects component deterioration.

From hoists and cables to booms, frames, and hydraulic systems - all crane parts sustain wear with use. Inspectors thoroughly examine each part for cracks, corrosion, damage, or other red flags. They catch premature deterioration allowing timely repairs or replacements avoiding hazardous situations from overloaded or unstable components.

Ensures proper functioning.

Inspection checks the function of all safety devices, motor controllers, limit switches, and overload protections. It identifies malfunctions and adjustments needed for trouble-free operation and adherence to load charts. Operators rely on fully functional safety features to work confidently near suspended loads.

Identifies unauthorized modifications.

Unauthorized tinkering can fatally undermine a crane's lifting capacity. Inspections notice any illegal alterations. Load charts also get revalidated if components are changed without going through OEM processes. This upholds safety engineered into the original design.

Improves preventive maintenance.

Inspectors tag components needing maintenance from lubrication to repairs/overhauls as per OEM schedules. Catching small issues early through preventive maintenance extends equipment life, improves reliability, and lowers long-term repair costs compared to reactive breakdown maintenance.

Boosts resale value

Well-maintained lifting machinery with valid inspection records attracts higher resale amounts compared to uninspected units of similar age. Buyers feel safer operating legally compliant, service-history-verified second-hand cranes, which justifies higher market prices.

Availing of regular crane inspection services as part of operational planning saves costs of potential downtime and accidents far outweighing inspection fees. It protects employees and ensures compliant, safe crane lifting equipment inspection for hazard-free industrial activity.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Beginners guide to organic farming

 For aspiring farmers looking to start organic production in the UAE, it's important to account for the country's arid climate. With summer temperatures reaching over 45°C and limited rainfall, certain strategies must be adopted compared to temperate growing regions. Here are some considerations for establishing sustainable organic agriculture in Dubai that is suited to local conditions.

  • Soil management

Soil health is critical. Work to increase organic matter content through composting local biomass and manures. Look into heat-tolerant cover crops for green manuring between seasons in organic agriculture. Windbreaks using indigenous trees help prevent the erosion of sandy soils.

  • Crop selection

Choose crops carefully. Opt for heat- and drought-resistant varieties that maximize yield during the short winter window. Quick-maturing vegetables, olive, and date palms are well-adapted. Experiment with summer crops like Moringa, moringa can utilize greywater and build soil fertility.   

  • Irrigation

Manage irrigation efficiently. Utilize drip systems with recycled water to minimize evaporation under the sun. Consider rainwater harvesting to supplement if viable. Schedule based on daily climatic data available. 

  • Pest and disease Control

Control pests preventively. Maintain meticulous hygiene to avoid issues from major pests like whitefly. Use certified organic inputs like neem, and Spinosad judiciously as a last control resort for sustainable agriculture in UAE. Regularly scout for new invasive species.  

  • Proper shade

Design movable shade structures. Provide needed respite from direct solar rays that can burn tender foliage and fruit. Structures follow the sun for optimized shading, doubling as protection against occasional tropical rains.

  • Certification

Certification builds market credibility, but patience is key. Document all farm activities rigorously following best practices. Seek local organic association guidance before approaching international certifiers during the transition period.

With the right eco-friendly adaptations, UAE’s growing conditions need not limit organic ambitions. Finding appropriate crops and production methods presents an engaging learning curve for building a sustainable agri-business aligned with regional needs.

Commencing a new venture like sustainable agriculture in UAE requires testing different techniques through trial and error. Regular monitoring and record keeping of climate data, inputs, harvests, and challenges help refine methods. Partnering with a supplier that provides you with quality equipment and collaborating with other local organic growers can provide invaluable advice grounded in regional experience. With commitment to sustainable practices and innovative problem-solving, aspiring farmers can establish resilient organic systems well-matched to the UAE's climate. Over time, such operations offer fulfilling careers while fulfilling an important role in the community.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Strategies and measures for energy efficiency in MEP systems

 In buildings, MEP systems play a big role in keeping everything running smoothly. But did you know they also use a lot of energy? As energy prices are rising with an increased focus on sustainability, optimizing MEP systems with the help of MEP companies in UAE has become a top priority for architects, engineers, and building owners alike. There are simple strategies and measures we can take to make these systems more energy efficient.

1. Regular maintenance

Just like a car needs regular check-ups, MEP systems need them too. Regular maintenance helps keep everything working efficiently, which means less energy is wasted. Simple tasks like cleaning filters and checking for leaks can make a big difference.

2. Upgrade to energy-efficient equipment

Old equipment can be energy vampires, sucking up more energy than necessary. By upgrading to energy-efficient models, like LED lights or high-efficiency HVAC systems, we can save a lot of energy and money in the long run.

3. Smart controls and automation

Smart technology can be a game-changer for energy efficiency. Installing sensors and timers that automatically adjust lighting, temperature, and water usage based on occupancy or time of day can lead to significant energy savings without much effort.

4. Insulation and sealing

Good insulation keeps the heat in during winter and out during summer, reducing the workload on HVAC systems. Sealing up gaps and leaks in ductwork, pipes, and building envelopes prevents energy from escaping, ensuring that the systems don't have to work as hard to maintain comfortable conditions indoors.

5. Occupant behavior

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Encouraging occupants to turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronics, and be mindful of water usage can collectively make a big impact on energy consumption.

6. Energy audits

Conducting regular energy audits can help identify areas where energy is being wasted and prioritize improvements. It's like a health check-up for your building's energy usage, helping you pinpoint where you can make the most significant improvements.

7. Renewable energy integration

Where possible, integrating renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines into MEP systems can offset traditional energy usage, further reducing overall energy consumption and environmental impact.

8. Education and training

Educating building occupants and maintenance staff about energy-efficient practices and the importance of conservation can create a culture of energy awareness and encourage everyone to do their part in saving energy.
Improving energy efficiency in MEP systems doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Simple measures like the ones mentioned above can go a long way in reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills. By implementing these strategies, MEP contracting companies in UAE can make our buildings more sustainable and comfortable while also saving money and reducing our environmental footprint.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Different types of lifting equipment to make material handling easier.


The importance of efficient material handling cannot be emphasized enough in industrial and construction contexts where seamless operations are critical. The use of different lifting equipment, which is intended to facilitate the precise, safe, and efficient movement of large weights, is essential to this operation. It is crucial to comprehend the many kinds of equipment offered by a reputable lifting equipment manufacturer in the UAE to maximize material handling procedures and guarantee workplace efficiency.

  1. Overhead Cranes

These are characterized by their ability to lift and transport heavy loads horizontally within a defined area. Overhead cranes are typically mounted on beams or tracks installed on the ceiling, offering a significant advantage in maximizing floor space while providing a high lifting capacity.

  1. Forklifts

With its unmatched adaptability in lifting and moving different weights, this equipment is best suited for warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities. Forklifts, which come in a variety of configurations like reach trucks, pallet trucks, and counterbalances, are excellent for precisely and nimbly moving large objects over short distances.

  1. Hoists

Engineered to facilitate vertical lifting, hoists come as chain hoists, wire rope hoists, and electric hoists. These devices are adept at lifting loads vertically, making them vital for tasks such as loading and unloading cargo, positioning machinery, and erecting structural components with controlled precision.

  1. Scissor lifts

Ideal for applications requiring elevated working platforms, scissor lifts employ a scissor mechanism to vertically raise and lower a platform. Widely utilized in construction, maintenance, and installation tasks, these lifts provide operators with a stable and secure platform for working at heights, enhancing safety and efficiency.

  1. Pallet jacks

Designed for the seamless movement of palletized loads, pallet jacks, also known as pallet trucks or pump trucks, are important in warehouse and logistics operations. These compact and maneuverable devices utilize hydraulic systems to lift and transport pallets with ease, facilitating swift and efficient material handling.

  1. Gantry cranes

Gantry cranes are a transportable substitute for overhead cranes. They include a strong framework that is anchored by wheels or legs, enabling easy mobility and positioning flexibility. Because they don't require permanent installation, these cranes are excellent for outdoor applications, construction sites, and temporary workspaces. They offer dependable lifting capabilities.

Optimizing efficiency, improving workplace safety, and reducing the risk of damage or injury can all be achieved by integrating the proper lifting equipment into material handling procedures and having it regularly inspected by a reputable lifting equipment inspection company in the UAE. In today's changing industrial environment, firms can increase productivity, simplify operations, and succeed more by utilizing the wide selection of lifting solutions that are accessible.

How can agriculture help mitigate climate change?

  As the threats of climate change have become increasingly evident, it’s clear that mitigation efforts must span all sectors of the economy...